Capstone In-Residence Update from Team AccorHotels UK!



Capstone Company: Accor Hotels
Team Members: Kyu Baek Kim, Hugo Manzini, Marcela Sclavo
Location: London, United Kingdom

“Working at the AccorHotels UK office has been a truly enriching experience so far. When we first began our in-residence period at the UK office a little over a month ago, the entire team warmly welcomed us to the office and we have grown to become a part of the Accor family since then. It has been an incredible experience to work with one of the biggest hotel companies in the world, as there is always a new project being initiated somewhere! We have been able to see how the global corporation is managed and to be members of a team who is always eager to help us and challenge us at the same time. Not only have we been attending our e-commerce team’s weekly meetings and interacting with various departments, but we have also been able to progress with our Capstone project and conduct research independently. This in-residence period for our Capstone Project is allowing us to learn something new every day and to utilize the tools we have been taught during this Master’s program in real-life industry situations. Our experience at Accor Hotels will definitely be a long lasting memory for the three of us and we are very excited for the next few months to see what results our project will yield.”