Be the EHL spirit – An evening with the EHL Stamm Hong Kong Chapter



March 30, 2016 – It’s difficult to believe that, in a blink of an eye, the Master of Global Hospitality Business’ semester in Hong Kong will be approaching its end. Reflecting back, one of the greatest highlights of our second term has been the EHL Stamm event of the EHL Alumni Hong Kong Chapter.

Held on Monday, March 7, at the Repulse Bay Hotel, where the bi-laws of the Stamm were originally signed back in March of 1997, the event was kindly hosted by Mr. Claudio De Villemor Salgado – the Stammvatter, Mr. Philipp Blaser and Ms. Joyce Lam. Around 70 EHL members gathered together for a delightful evening of excellent company of alumni from 1979 to 1982, a new set of current EHL student interns, current MGH students, and Hong Kong alumni fellows.


What an evening it was! The atmosphere was absolutely enthralling and the event was MGH’s first opportunity to meet with EHL alumni in Asia.

It is always a privilege to meet fascinating people who have had such a diverse assemblage of life paths and experiences, yet who all have the EHL spirit in common – with infinite tales to impart, from the renowned “Santé” to memories of EHL student life to how we all arrived and departed from Chalet-à-Gobet.

If the law of attraction is the most powerful law in the world, a strong connected community like the EHL Alumni family with a collective energy and shared values could be one of the most potent advocates to one’s growth and success. It is no exaggeration to say that EHL Alumni’s legacy of support, gratitude, and virtuous cycle bestows on us the courage to pursue our dreams and to make a difference in the future.

“Be the EHL spirit and let the EHL spirit be you,” shared an alumna, who flew all the way from New York to join the event. “The EHL family is a community unparalleled in achievements and support – as life will send us to unexpected places with remarkable opportunities.”

Our MGH journey is quickly racing by us and it is incredible to reflect on how much we have already experienced on two completely different continents, and how much we are about to gain through our Capstone Consulting Projects and next semester in the United States. How grateful we are to be on this MGH roller coaster ride because being a part of something special truly does make you special.

-Ha Ngo
Student, MSc Global Hospitality Business

(Photos courtesy of AEHL – Hong Kong Chapter Facebook page)